Monday, 17 January 2011

Days 14, 15 and 16: Bournemouth and home

Day 14: Travel to Bournemouth

It was a smooth journey from Torquay to Bournemouth. I quickly had a drive through Lime Regis on the way, then had a relaxing DVD evening at my hotel.

Day 15: Bournemouth multi-sport activities

I had a full day of exercise today. First it was out with the bike and pedal along the promenade route to Hengistbury Head to the East of Bournemouth. It was very windy today, but luckily, underneath the cliffs on the lower promenade, it wasn't too bad.

The Head has some small hills and then stretching out from this is a sandy bar, full off beach huts.

From one of the hills looking out to the sand bar.
Click to zoom in.

A sand bar full of beach huts.

I walked along the hills and out to the end of the bar.

Map of part of my walk.
The sand bar almost joins with the other side.

At the end of the bar. Not far to the other side.
At then end, I saw the ferry that takes you across the narrow estuary, and along the other beach some wind-water sports:

The skies were pretty good, until the afternoon when it started raining.

On the way back from the Head, I did a bit of jogging before getting on my bike and cycling west to Bournemouth pier:

From where I watched some surfing:

Then, after having a very late lunch, I cycled back to the hotel. Another great day and lots of exercise.

Total distance: 27km (16km cycling, 9km walking, 2km jogging)

My route. (Click to enlarge.)

A little surprise at around 22:00 was the fire alarm going off. We all had to evacuate, the fire brigade was called, but it was just a fault with a detector in one of the rooms. We had to stand around in the cold for half an hour, and when we went back to our rooms, the alarm kept going on and off for about another 30 mins!!!

Day 16: Return home

Apart from a little bit of localised flooding delays around Chichester, it was a smooth drive home. Then it was lunch with my family, washing bike (very sandy from yesterday) and clothes, sorting out car and stuff ready for work back at school tomorrow.

I had a great holiday. It is possible to have a fun, outdoor holiday in wintertime - and it's certainly a lot less crowded. I have plans for mid-term break (aka half-term holiday) and Easter, already!

Total distance covered (in car - bike, running and walking not included): 1,242 miles

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