Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Day 10: Severn and South

Today was lovely and sunny. According to the weather, this is the last sunny day I'm going to get, as rain is forecast for the rest of the week!


Not far from the Severn Bridge is the town of Portishead, which I drove to first this morning.

From the viewpoint in Portishead - the Severn bridge in the background.
Which two countries does the bridge join?

I walked around the bay, through a woodland walk and down to a fishing pier. There is a lake and marina as well. Can you find all these on the satellite photo below? (My route is green)

Remember to click to enlarge the pictures.

I found this new development of flats which I think are quite cool as they  are designed to look like fishing buildings and a lighthouse so they fit in better with the surroundings.

On the outside wall of a swimming pool, there was this cool graffiti art:

I also did a bit of running on the way back before going to the next town along the coast.


The old pier at Clevedon

The pier "Toll house". Can you spot Pikachu?

Why are the trees like this?
Can you spot me?
These flags caught my photographic eye with the light from the sun streaming through the back of them:

My Clevedon route. Can you work out where the flags were?
I did a bit more running back to the car, then I had a smooth drive down the M5 to Torquay where I am now. Check the map (top right menu)  to see how far I've covered so far.

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